Also known as “ear pinning,” otoplasty is a common surgical procedure performed to correct protruding ears. Unlike most cosmetic procedures, the surgery can also be performed on children (normally five years or older) to help alleviate the risk of damaging, potentially traumatic, teasing. Children and adults alike normally attain a successful, natural-looking result from the procedure.
Otoplasty: What happens during ear pinning?
Typically, otoplasty is a safe, relatively uncomplicated procedure that entails the following steps:
- Incisions are made on the back of the ears, exposing the cartilage
- Some cartilage is remodeled or removed if necessary
- The ear is repositioned to a more conventional looking position
- Sutures (absorbable or removable) are applied to hold the new position in place
Swelling and bruising are normal but usually disappear within the first week. Within a few days, you will notice evidence of the improvement; several weeks later, your healing will be complete and the final result will be apparent.
At the end of two weeks, patients can resume normal activity with caution to protect the ears. Typically, no pain is experienced (pain medication is rarely required). With otoplasty, the benefits far outweigh any potential discomfort.
To learn more regarding otoplasty options for yourself or your child, contact our Pasadena plastic surgeon to request a consultation appointment.