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All You Need to Know About Facelift Surgery

Posted April 30, 2019 in Facelift

There is, as of yet, no true fountain of youth to drink from to get rid of the effects of aging, and thus we all go through its changes. Getting older often means different things to different people. From sagging skin and deep lines to sun spots and crow’s feet, the signs of aging can be different from person to person, but we can all identify with the desire for a more youthful, vibrant look when we see those tell-tale signs in the mirror.


But while the fountain of youth may be a myth, reversing the signs of aging is something that’s completely possible—and Dr. Taylor’s office is here to make that rejuvenated look a reality. Facelift surgery can work wonders in helping to turn back the clock by tightening up loose skin and smoothing wrinkles to help reduce some of the signs of aging. Dr. Taylor offers personalized, custom care to revamp your look and provide you with a younger, smoother look.

How To Prepare

A good candidate for facelift surgery is someone who wants to reverse signs of aging such as sagging, loose skin, excess facial fat, deep lines and wrinkles, and an overall “tired” look. It is recommended that people looking to undergo facelift surgery be in good health beforehand. Healthy people with no major issues tend to get the best results from facelift surgery and recover faster and better. If you smoke, you will need to quit for several weeks to be considered an ideal candidate for a facial surgery. It’s also important to have a realistic outlook on your goals for the procedure and what will come of it.

How It’s Done

Facelift surgery involves Dr. Taylor making an incision above the hairline, by each temple, and around the natural contours surrounding the ears. This allows him to raise the skin outward and reposition it, tightening all of the muscles, fat, and tissue underneath. The doctor will also remove any excess facial fat and loose skin at this time before the rest of the skin is pulled tight, and the incisions are closed using small sutures. This procedure can be done either under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. For men, the incisions are typically made along their natural beard line.

What It Does

Facelift surgery can be used to treat the following:

  • Loose, saggy skin
  • Excess facial fat
  • Deep wrinkles and frown lines
  • The appearance of jowls around neck area

BEFORE-img-blogThe Consultation

When you schedule a consultation at Dr. Taylor’s office for facelift surgery, you should be ready to provide information about your medical history, current or former medical conditions, medications you take or have recently taken, and any previous surgeries you may have had. The doctor may also take photographs of your face and make suggestions or discuss what kind of results you’re looking for from your surgery. A facelift may be combined with other procedures, such as laser skin resurfacing, brow lift surgery, and various fillers, to obtain your desired results—and your consultation will be the place where you can plan ahead for the best surgical outcome.

Ready to find out more? Contact us today.

Thomas S. Taylor, MD, FACS

The Aesthetic Society American Society of Plastic Surgery Fellow American College of Surgeons American Board of Plastic Surgery ABMS MOC American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

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960 E Green St #214
Pasadena, CA 91106

Phone: (626) 577-7730

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