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An Introduction and Background of Breast Augmentation

Posted October 22, 2013 in Surgical Procedures

Pasadena Breast AugmentationBreast augmentation refers to enlargement of the breast, and is done by surgical means. Breast augmentation enhances self-confidence in many women. Most women get breast augmentation in search of beauty and to look younger, as a women’s body shape changes with time. Breast implants can be used to enlarge breast and also to change the breasts shape. Research shows that there are many advantages of breast augmentation but before moving forward, it is always advisable to consider some things. A couple of things to consider include: whether it can affect breast-feeding ability and whether your health is good enough to go through the procedure. Smokers are high-risk patients, so doctors should be consulted to determine whether the breast augmentation surgery is the best option.
In 1962, doctors pioneered the use of silicone, which was important, since it had the capability of being used as breast implant material. In 1992 silicone was banned, but was later approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Implants of saline were used by doctors in place of silicone, and are still used today as an alternative to silicone implants.
Breast Augmentation is now a top cosmetic procedure. Although there are many advantages of breast augmentation, there are also risks and possible complications. These risks include: contraction of the capsular and rippling of the breast skin. Contraction of the capsular is the contraction and hardening of tissue in the body. This could affect the softness of the breast. Rippling refers to the surface of the skin after the procedure.After breast augmentation, special care of the implant must be taken, as a breast rupture is one of the risks that may be encountered.

For women who want to improve their image and enhance their body, breast augmentation is one of the best options, and is probably the most popular option as well. To get started and for a consultation, contact Dr. Taylor’s office at (626) 577-7730, or visit our contact page.

Thomas S. Taylor, MD, FACS

The Aesthetic Society American Society of Plastic Surgery Fellow American College of Surgeons American Board of Plastic Surgery ABMS MOC American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

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