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How Do I Get Rid of My Tummy “Pooch”?

Posted March 01, 2017 in Liposuction, Tummy Tuck Surgery

One of the hardest places of the body to target is the abdomen. Many people struggle with an annoying “pooch” below the belly button that doesn’t go away even with diet and exercise. Liposuction and tummy tuck surgery can be ideal options for someone looking to get rid of excess abdominal tissue, fat, and skin. The only question is, are you a candidate for tummy tuck surgery, liposuction surgery, or both? That will be determined based on the amount of correction needed and the condition of your abdominal skin.

Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy Tuck Before and AfterTummy tuck surgery is a popular procedure among women who have experienced multiple pregnancies or massive weight loss. Ideal patients have excess hanging skin and fat and loose abdominal muscles that can only be corrected with surgery.

The procedure involves an incision above the pubic area from hip bone to hip bone. The skin is separated from the abdominal wall all the way up to the rib cage. The underlying muscles are tightened and sutured into place. Stubborn fat is removed, and excess skin is trimmed away. The skin is redraped over the newly shaped contours and stitched closed.

Although tummy tuck surgery has been cosmetically proven to create a more toned and firm body, there are also many medical benefits of a tummy tuck. Many post-pregnancy patients see an improvement in their stress urinary incontinence (SUI), which is commonly associated with having given birth vaginally.

Liposuction Surgery

Someone who does not have excess skin or weak abdominal muscles causing their “pooched” stomach can achieve a slimmer, better-contoured figure with liposuction alone. Liposuction is often combined with tummy tuck surgery to address the midsection, hips, and thighs to create an overall smoother, more toned physique. Patients may also use liposuction to address other areas of the body with excess fat.

Dr. Taylor performs liposuction by pre-treating the target areas with a time-tested technique that involves injecting a tumescent fluid into the fat to break it down before removal. Incisions are made small and hidden discreetly along the target areas. The power-assisted or the ultrasound-assisted technique is used to remove the fat through a cannula hooked up to a suctioning device.

The best way to find out the right procedure(s) for you is to schedule your consultation with Dr. Taylor today! He can evaluate your body to help you decide on liposuction, a tummy tuck, or both. Contact us by calling (626) 577-7730 or by filling out our online contact form.

Thomas S. Taylor, MD, FACS

The Aesthetic Society American Society of Plastic Surgery Fellow American College of Surgeons American Board of Plastic Surgery ABMS MOC American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

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