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Why Should I Consider a Tummy Tuck After Pregnancy?

Posted August 04, 2022 in Tummy Tuck Surgery

4 Minute Read: 

Women undergo tummy tuck surgery at different stages of their lives for many reasons. While considerations like weight loss and the natural aging process are certainly contributing factors, many women choose this surgery to address the changes caused by pregnancy and childbirth. 

Mother and son taking a selfie at the beach

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure that transforms the midsection by addressing loose skin, excess fat, and loose abdominal muscles. Through a combination of skin excision, internal tightening, and liposuction, the tummy tuck can shape the abdomen like no other procedure.

The mini tummy tuck is appropriate for patients with less abdominal laxity.

When Should I Consider a Tummy Tuck?

When considering a tummy tuck following childbirth, it is important to wait until after you have given birth to your last biological child. 

While a tummy tuck will not affect a future pregnancy, another biological child will impact the quality of your results. And since you are putting in the time, effort, and financial expense to correct the signs of childbirth, why diminish that will another upcoming pregnancy.

That being said, should a future pregnancy arise, rest assured that there are touch-up treatments that can have you looking and feeling your best!

7 Reasons to Choose a Tummy Tuck After Having Kids

1. Get Rid of the Baby Fat

Every woman gains weight during pregnancy. While some women only experience small gains, others can see their weight fluctuate 50 pounds or more. 

This excess weight can significantly impact your body contour, even long after your child is born. Unfortunately, these extra pounds are not always easily lost, and some fat remains even with a healthy diet and exercise program. 

This is where cosmetic body contouring procedures like tummy tuck surgery and liposuction can come in. While these treatments cannot (or should not) remove all of the weight gained during your pregnancy, they can help to eliminate some of the most stubborn fat pockets.

2. Tighten Those Muscles

Diastasis recti (the separation of abdominal muscles) is common after pregnancy. This condition causes the belly to have a pooched appearance or the look of rippled skin — even if there is no excess fat beneath it.

Tummy tuck surgery can repair this by bringing the two sides of the abdominal muscles back together.

3. Define That Waist

Tummy tuck surgery (either alone or in combination with liposuction) can help to narrow and define your waist so that it is more reminiscent of the figure you had before you became a mama. 

Before and after image showing the results of a tummy tuck performed in Pasadena, CA.

For more abdominal transformations, visit our tummy tuck before and after photo gallery.

4. Improve the Look of a C-Section Scar

Many women who undergo Cesarean section deliveries are dissatisfied with the look of their C-section scars. These scars are often not as hidden as they could be, and this is because the final look of the scar is not a priority to your obstetrician. 

Fortunately, the final look of a scar is a priority to a plastic surgeon, and most tummy tuck surgeons can incorporate the C-section scar into a much more discreet tummy tuck scar.

5. Reduce Your Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a common complaint after pregnancy. While a tummy tuck cannot remove all stretch marks, it does remove a good portion of the skin where stretch marks tend to reside. 

That means that the amount of stretch marks you see will be greatly reduced.

6. Improve Stress Urinary Incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is commonly developed during pregnancy; however, it doesn’t always go away after you’ve had your child. Luckily, tummy tuck surgery can help treat SUI by improving the strength and stability of the abdominal muscles.

7. Return Your Hot Mom Bod

Just because your priorities change after becoming a mother doesn’t mean that you can’t look as young, fit, and toned as you want. It’s not a trade-off. 

Tummy tuck surgery can help you restore your figure so that you can have more confidence when out with your children. 

Interested in Learning More About Postpartum Tummy Tuck?

Call Taylor Plastic Surgery today at (626) 988-4287 for more information about tummy tuck surgery or to schedule a consultation. You can also schedule an appointment online by scrolling down to the bottom of this page.

Thomas S. Taylor, MD, FACS

The Aesthetic Society American Society of Plastic Surgery Fellow American College of Surgeons American Board of Plastic Surgery ABMS MOC American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

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